Glenview Poko Loko Early Learning Center
Welcome to Poko Loko Early Learning Center, a child care facility located at 300 Waukegan Road in Glenview, Illinois. We specialize in infant and toddler daycare, preschool through kindergarten education, and have full day and half day programs available. Our certified staff is trained in quality, individualized child care, and education for all children. Our curriculum is theme-based and includes a variety of topics, thus helping to ensure a well-rounded child ready to enter grade school.

When visiting our school, or any school, you should always ask yourself
- Is the school licensed and reputable among the community?
- Is the staff qualified, educated, approachable, warm, and caring?
- Is the school clean, bright, colorful, and stimulating?
- Is the equipment developmentally appropriate and in excellent shape?
- Is the school secure from strangers but always open to you?
- Is the food served nutritious and of high quality?
- Are the school’s policies conducive to good health and safety?
- Do you feel comfortable leaving your child at the center?
If you answer yes to all the above, you have found a quality school and program for your child. We’re certain you will say yes about Poko Loko in Glenview.